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Coach's Notes

Boys Varsity BIG VIII 2019 Notes

We did an excellent job executing a race plan and running as a team. I could not be prouder. We'll race as a full squad at CIF Finals for the first time really all season, and we have athletes just outside of the top seven that will gain some valuable race experience in the next few weeks. Important race experience, as we have seniors that are graduating and the future of the team rests in your hands.

Michael Sahagun, back to back BIG VIII Champion and 9:22 two miler from last year showcased he's ready to rock and roll this post season.

Sophomore Andres Chavez, who was 10th place last year at League Finals, ran a smart race to nab 2nd place overall. The target is on your back Andy, as you are the top returner for next year. Since 2011, only Roosevelt athletes have won the individual league title. Maybe we can keep the streak alive? Keep in mind that CIF Finals and CIF State Meet always matter more than League Finals.

2019- Michael Sahagun (12)

2018- Michael Sahagun (11)

2017- Tyler Spencer (12)

2016- Raymon Ornelas (11)

2015- Raymon Ornelas (10)

2014- Brandon Randall (12)

2013- Brandon Randall (11)

2012- Kyle Warrick (12)

2011- Nick Woolf (12)

Tony Chavez- Is he number one? Is he number two? Any day Tony Chavez is your third man, you know you have a great team. He's been slightly under the weather this week, but fear not, Tony the Train Chavez will be ready when it matters most.

Ricardo Sainz is busy working hard behind the scenes. As a senior who finished 2nd in the first league meet, he's fit, in shape, and working through IT Band Syndrome. Trust that he is doing all that he can do get back to where he knows he can be. With Ricardo next to Andy, we go from a CIF State Meet Qualifier to a State Meet Podium team within spitting distance of an NXN bid. Whatever happens, I know Ricardo has done and will continue to do his best to help his brothers on the team out. He completed a 12 mile run recently, and I know how bad he wanted to be here today. If this were the state meet, he would have raced and given it his all. He has led workouts within the last 4 weeks of training, and I trust that he'll be ready when it matters most. No matter what, he's my boy. Ricardo is my boy.

Andrew Gonzales- Consistent and patient, Andrew is the dark horse in the program. All the ups and downs he has experienced the last 4 years, I think that he has a 15:00 to 15:25 performance in him, and if I were a betting man, I think Andrew could break 16:00 at the State Meet. How far can he go under is the question. On an amazing day, he could dip under 15:40 at the state meet. I would say there is a 60% chance you break 16:00 there. I like those chances. It's an honor to have been mentioned.

Alejandro "The Hair" Diaz and Dylan Shifflet- Two juniors who have stepped up to provide significant depth when we have needed to rest core members. Each one of these guys will get a taste of CIF competition the next few weeks that will be important for them to build off of for next year. Eleanor Roosevelt is poised to continue it's strong legacy with each of these athletes' leadership the next year and a half. 5:10 pace is what we need out of you two. Make it happen.

Landen Breckner wins for the third time this season. I want to reiterate that to win a cross country race once is an extremely rare accomplishment. To win three in a season…in my country, where I come from, this means you are really, really good. This bodes extremely well for the future as Breckner has WAY more to give. He put 8 seconds on 2nd place in this race with less than a quarter mile to go. Although he finished 7th overall for the team on the day, and when Ricardo is inserted in to the mix, this pushes Breckner back to 8th on the team, he was only a few seconds off of the two juniors in front of him.

Hard work has put Breckner in the mix this season, and his leadership and experience will go a long way the next two years. That is why he is being inserted into CIF Finals in a few weeks.

Varsity CIF Top 12

1. Michael 15:08

2. Andy 15:12

3. Tony 15:14

4. Ricardo

5. Andrew 15:43

6. Alejandro 16:01

7. Dylan 16:03

8. Breckner 16:08

9. Bunch 16:36

10. Zheng 16:47

11. Tucker 16:50

12. Javier 16:51


Other JV Medalists

13. Tristen 16:53

14. Lang 16:56

15. Valiente 16:57

16. Miller 16:57

17. Jude 17:01


The top 12 listed above are required to attend all practices and weight room from now until the end of season. Attendance and tardiness could be factored into race competition. Any athlete that thinks they can run fast in the next few weeks is welcome to attend practice until Thanksgiving Break. December runs will be modified and athletes will be required to take a break from running either in the next few days or the next few weeks. Please, enjoy your time off by playing other sports, resting, or cross-training. Please stay active, and focus on studying for finals and getting prepared for track and field season.

The following athletes are competing at CIF Prelims

1. Michael (Cruise)

2. Tony (Cruise)

3. Alejandro (Race)

4. Dylan (Race)

5. Ricardo (Cruise)

6. Bunch (Race)

7. Max (Race)

We will be resting Andy, Andrew and Breckner. In the event that Ricardo or anyone else cannot compete at CIF Prelims, Tucker, and Javier are in the mix for the last spot.

CIF Finals

Michael, Tony, Andy, Ricardo, Andrew, Breckner, (last spot up for grabs)

CIF State Meet

Head Coach picks top 5, and the next two fastest from CIF Prelims or Finals competes.

Girls Varsity BIG VIII 2019 Notes

I freaking LOVE IT. It was a whole-team effort out there today, and we we raced with confidence and grit. The first league meet, we finished in 2nd place to Santiago.

Here are the of BIG VIII #1 Team results:

1. Santiago (Corona) 30

2. E. Roosevelt 66

3. Martin Luther King 75

At the second League meet, we finished 3rd as a squad:

Santiago (Corona) 37

2. Martin Luther King 52

3. E. Roosevelt 67

At the Big VIII League Finals, we knew we had a chance and we seized it.

1. Santiago (Corona) 34

2. E. Roosevelt 53

3. Martin Luther King 85

Abigale Rippe (7th, 9th, 11th, 5th the past four years at League Finals)

She's BAAaaaaaAACCCKKKK! Ms. Abigale Rippe has never finished outside the scoring five in her entire career at Eleanor Roosevelt. When healthy, she's lethal. I know she's hungry for more competition, as her last four races she finished as our 3rd, 2nd, 1st and 1st woman across the finish line. Abigale put in work over summer and has worked herself back from a mild injury to earn her best finish ever at the Big VIII League Finals.

The way we are looking, I would say there is a 5% chance we do something really special at CIF Finals. We need everyone that races firing on all cylinders. We need your experience and leadership the next few weeks to accomplish this goal and set the bar for future Roosevelt women to look up to.

Joelle Perales - Can you say, athlete of the meet?

At league meet #1, Joelle finished 25th overall.

At League Meet #2 she finished 13th overall and her best finish on the team as the third woman across the line.

At League Finals, she finished 7th overall and 2nd on the team, 18 seconds behind Abigale Rippe.

She thinks she's done, but she's only getting started. 21:26 to 19:20

Hannah Wrathall- The next two years, we will have the blessing of having two Wrathalls in the top seven. It'll happen, I guarantee it. It's a matter of how many times will it take place?

Hannah ran a good race and finished 3rd overall for the team and 11th in the race. Sometimes in cross country, it comes down to minutes, seconds, or even split second decisions. Leaning or not leaning could mean the difference in a championship performance. One day you beat Joelle by 73 seconds, the next she beats you by 16 seconds. When you're on, you're on. If we can get everyone on, at the same time, when it matters most, we have a chance.

Alyssa Cauble- How many times have you finished 4th for our squad? Don't get comfortable there. Minor aches and pains here and there, but one thing is certain, you have been a staple, consistent varsity runner this entire year. I remember seeing your progress in track season and that's when I became a fan of Alyssa Cauble. You do everything right and I know you have earned your spot at CIF Finals. In two years in the sport, you went from 42nd at JV League Finals to 14th, earning 2nd team All-League honors as a senior. 20:44 to 19:40

Jordan Martinez- Arguably one of the toughest women on the cross country team, J-Mart has made a bid for leadership through her actions and attitude. She is one of the hardest workers on the team, and her progress from last year to this year is significant. The team will do well with your leadership the next two years. 9th place in JV last year to 16th in Varsity. 20:37 to 19:36

Mia Rocha-Betancourt- As a 9th grader, Mia finished in 43rd place in JV. As a 10th grader she finished in 29th. As an 11th grader, Mia didn't even race varsity or league finals, and her best finish on the JV squad was 33rd in the first league meet. I know she is frustrated with her performance, but you have way more to give. In three varsity league meets, you have finished in 14th, 9th and 19th. I know you have high expectations for yourself. If anyone deserves it, it's you. Do not beat yourself up. Do not compare yourself to others. Just do what is best for Mia. That's all I can ask.

Jordan Hernandez- Quiet and consistent, Jordan has shown glimpses of greatness. For example, she was our #1 girl at the first league meet, but #8 overall today. She has seen progress the last week after nursing a minor injury, and the next few weeks of training will dictate whether she see's action again this season. Whether she races at CIF Finals, or opens up with a fast time in track season, Jordan Hernandez has helped the team to it's 2nd place finish at League Finals, and is an integral part of team.

Sienna Mora- Beyond glad you decided to run cross country as a sophomore. I hope you become a three sport varsity athlete here at Roosevelt and lead by example. You'll get your opportunity at CIF Prelims.

Varsity CIF Top 12

1. Abigale

2. Joelle

3. Hannah

4. Alyssa

5. Jordan M.

6. Mia

7. Sienna

8. Jordan H.

9. Dasilva

10. Madeline

11. Galilea

12. Ashlee

All other athletes are expected to take time off after Friday and gear up for track and field season in December and January.

CIF Prelims

1. Abigale

2. Joelle

3. Hannah

4. J-Mart

5. Sienna

6. Dasilva

7. Alyssa or Madeline, Galilea, Ashlee. If Alyssa does not race, as she is nursing a minor injury, then one of the three of you could step in to race. In the event that this happens, it will ultimately be up to Coach's discretion and will take into account the past few months of training, practice attendance, grades, and workout performance.

CIF Finals

Abigale, Joelle, Hannah, Alyssa, Mia, have earned their right to race in this meet unless injured or they give up their spots.

Spots 6 and 7 will be decided after CIF Prelims, utilizing performances at Riverside Invitational, League Finals, and workout performances this week and next. Ultimately it is up to Coach's discretion, and I will take into account the past few weeks of training, practice attendance, grades, and workout performance to decide who races at this meet.

CIF State Meet

One can dream right? There is always a chance. Believe in yourself ladies, and write your own history. TBD...

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